Wednesday, August 31, 2011

what summer is:

dinner and a park


yes, I have a tattoo on my forehead... cuz I'm 3.  miss katherine asked what kind of tattoo it was, I replied, A STEERING WHEEL. (it's a peace symbol.)

brobee butt

nope. not wearing these for real. yet. or ever. I think we're headed from diapers into depends. the rate we're going.

Monday, August 15, 2011

wisconsin here we come

hello, eagle river

uncle greg's cabin

we were supposed to be up here the same week but it didn't work out. uncle greg (kind of) gave me directions and, since we didn't have a whole lot planned, keith figured out how to get there from here (there). i better send this post to uncle greg along with an apology for emily's souvineer ;)

serenity now


more fishin'

stock car races

emmit didn't like it one bit.


frik, frack, and freak

actually, from tallest to smallest, it's freak frik frack


out and about