Thursday, September 29, 2011

friends' party

a friend of mine, liz, invited us to her son's 3rd birthday party at pump it up. ET had a great time! it was nice to see (hear) other parents parents focused on manners as well:


the dance that pirates do

riding my new bike

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

❤ my favorite pitcher ❤

move over buehrle, ethan is on your tail!
and, while we're on the subject, a HUGE shout out to OZZIE GUILLEN: good bye and good luck :*~{

what happens at gramma's, stays at gramma's

micah worked gourmet chicago again this year so we needed a weekend sitter; gramma has been promising the cousins a sleepover-movie night. viola:
notice: my kid's still awake

still not quite sleeping

this is the following morning

Q: Where's your sock?

Friday, September 23, 2011

waiting for uncle keith

conversation with a 3yo

UK: what does mommy do at work?
ET: she combs people's hair
UK: what does daddy do at work?
ET: he has an office and he looks at a computer and he walks around!
The kid is spot on!!!!